For startup CEOs and practitioners just entering the field of marketing, PR or industry analyst relations — our IAR expert, Ilona Mohacsi has a few good pointers, which she made to the Bulldog Reporter this morning. Be sure to read the full article because Ilona covers many of the typical mistakes made when communicating with industry analysts. Here’s a synopsis:
One of the more endearing qualities of the character Maxwell Smart in the recent movie remake of the 1960s “Get Smart” spy parody TV series, is his ability to appreciate the details. Whether it’s knowing the customs of a country or the personal habits/attributes of everyone he deals with—good or bad, Max makes it his business to know the details and get the facts.
While larger corporations will have dedicated Industry Analyst Relations staffs, most start-ups or smaller companies ask their PR agency or marketing team members to handle Industry Analyst Relations. Like Max, PR practitioners and marketers need to get smart and pay attention to the details that matter in successful Industry Analyst Relations. Here are some basic tips to get you on your way:
1.) IAR is not PR. Industry Analyst Relations is not Public Relations. Your conversations with industry analysts are two-way conversations, not interviews.
2.) BRIEFings. Industry analyst briefings are usually 30 minutes—hard stop, really. Plan your conversations with analysts accordingly, and keep your agenda tight and explain this to your executives. An analyst’s time is money.
3.) Relationship Building. As in any relationship, it is important to understand where the analyst is coming from. How is your presentation helping her or him better understand the customer need your product meets? Does she/he have a report coming up on a subject that your company can help with? Do you have customer references you can provide them?
— By Ilona Mohacsi, SVP Industry Analyst and Media Relations, PenVine
To read Ilona’s full article in Bulldog Reporter, click here: